App Development


ListAssist transitioned to Bubble for easier management & scalability, providing real estate agents with AI tools to enhance listings, automate tasks, and improve customer engagement.

01. The Challenge

ListAssist originally had a custom-built web application that managed several critical real estate processes for brokerages and agents. However, after the departure of their lead developer, the company struggled to update and maintain the application. The custom-coded nature of the platform made it difficult for new developers to step in and make changes or improvements efficiently. ListAssist needed a solution that was more flexible, easy to update, and scalable, allowing them to remain competitive in the fast-moving real estate market.

02. The Solution

We rebuilt the entire ListAssist platform using Bubble.io, transitioning it from custom code to a no-code solution. This change allowed ListAssist to manage updates and make improvements without needing specialized developers for custom code, significantly reducing their dependency on external resources. We retained all the original functionality while improving the user experience and adding new features, such as enhanced listing descriptions, AI-powered property image processing, and a scalable infrastructure for future updates. The new platform also integrated real estate SEO features, making it easier for agents to optimise property listings and increase visibility online.

03. The Result

With the migration to Bubble.io, ListAssist now has a user-friendly, flexible platform that is easier to maintain and update. They no longer rely on hard-to-find developers for custom code, giving the internal team more control over the application. The new platform has empowered real estate agents to generate listings more efficiently, automate marketing tasks, and improve customer engagement through innovative AI features. ListAssist continues to lead the market in providing streamlined, tech-driven solutions for real estate professionals, with over 40,000 realtors using their platform to drive sales and customer relationships.

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